Research of Our Team I. Plant innate immunity Plant evolved the innate immune system to combat against microbial pathogens. We investigate the mechanism by which plant immunity combats plant pathogens with a focus on plant defense hormones such as salicylic acid, jasmonate, and ethylene and MAP kinases.



ウブロコピー時計 QC-951

世界中の時計愛好家の注目を集める大胆なデザインを模索する道を開いた。 ウブロコピーとセイコーは、それぞれ独自の特長を持ち、高級時計の世界でひときわ際立っている。

Group Leader

Kenichi Tsuda

Prof. Dr. Kenichi Tsuda

Professor and the head of the laboratory (PI)

Email: tsuda[at]


Ken comes from Sapporo, Japan. He loves soccer and plant science. He got a PhD at the Hokkaido University in Japan (2004) and did a postdoc at University of Minnesota in the US (2011). He was a Research Group Leader at Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research (MPIPZ) until August 2019. He has been a Professor at HZAU and a guest Research Group Leader at MPIPZ from September 2019. He is interested in network properties, structures and dynamics in plant-microbe interactions, especially finding new concepts in biology.


  1. 湖北省政府“编钟奖”(2020~2022
  2. 爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(2021,2022,2023)
  3. 科睿唯安中国高被引学者(2021,2022)
  4. 国家高层次人才计划 (2020)
  5. 湖北省高层次人才计划 (2020)
  6. 受邀参加全国抗击新冠肺炎疫情表彰大会(2020)
  7. Global Peer Review Awards(Web of Science)(2018,2019)

More about Ken